How useful are healthy diets?

Newspapers, internet and television programs are full of different diets that are "fast and permanently" reduce weight gain. In addition to diet, are often advertised and preparations (tablets, capsules, teas ...) that effectively reduce obesity and overweight for "a very short time." However, all these tips (and advertising) can often be ineffective in the long run, and sometimes hazardous to health.

Here are just some of the famous diets: the Moon diet, cabbage soup diet, the thirty day diet, a diet based on metabolism, seven-day diet, diet yogurt, sensa diet, Vegetarian, French diet, salad, pasta diet, a diet of apples, breakfast diet, three-hour diet, kremenko diet, anti cellulite diet, circulating diet, Atkins diet, south coast, a diet without carbohydrates, the diet without water, Hibernaciona diet, diets Miami, fortnightly diets, detoxifying diet, "the day after the" rice diet , 3 kg diet for 3 days, the diet with honey, eggs, diet, diet with meat, cottage diet, a strict diet, diet to cleanse the body ... Yet, the child will not finish the job if the person does not really resolve to grapple with their weight.

Warnings Experts

Diets based on only one type of food or starvation (specific time) can lead to serious health problems (fatigue, dizziness, heart problems, low immunity, anorexia ...), because, with them can reduce excessive body fat, and vitamins and minerals. Characteristic is for example a diet based on eggs, which can lead to an increase in cholesterol.

A child should not have been short-lived and unsuccessful. Sudden speed diets can lead to rapid weight loss and health damage due to a lower intake of vitamins and minerals than the body really needs. In addition, following such a diet leads to the yo-yo, so after the baby pounds, "returned quickly." It is also dangerous to a child after successfully carried out some treat an excessive diet or excessive amount of candy.

Before beginning any child, it is important to consult a doctor or nutritionist to determine what and how much to eat and that sporting activities should be addressed to avoid harmed health.

To effectively reduce excess weight, it is important to deal with some light exercise or sports activities to burn excess calories and strained muscles to reduce weight. And dealing with the activities of the physical should be done under professional supervision to avoid sore muscles or an injury.

With all the diet is important to what to do after, because when the diet ends, you should continue with proper diet and moderate physical activity in order to maintain the achieved desired (reduced) weight.

Child are justified especially if excessive weight begins to threaten health. Then the child will be as soon as possible to reduce excess weight and then maintain them at that level how health is not to worsen again.

Experts recommend trying to avoid a child with the number of calories because then it becomes a nightmare for anyone who conducts a diet. Experience shows that such a child in the long term are not effective, and that people often then they have mental problems because they become obsessed ineffective in weight.

Rigorous child who advise just post, may be harmful because they often disrupt entry of useful substances in the body.

It is best when obese people resolve to change his way of life, to give up bad habits and a few years the reserves: the regime of moderate to low-fat diet and regular exercise schedule. Over time, this way of life habit and weight stabilize. When that kind of diet and lifestyle, one is normal food, and occasionally eat something more and something sweet (occasional dropouts), but does not impair the right rhythm