Secrets to permanent weight loss

Maybe it sounds strange, but, as numerous studies indicate, it is much easier to lose excess weight, but to prevent them back again.

What the research also shows is that most people who adhere to a child fail to achieve its goal of getting rid of those extra pounds, but before you become aware of their success, but returned to old habits, and that's with them again and unwanted pounds. Often happens that a person ends up with even more overweight than those before the child.

The challenge is, as experts say, in an attempt to maintain a healthy lifestyle in the long run, not a constant reduction in body weight. To the results of which are struggling to come to you to keep, it is important to accept the new healthier diet and a new physically active life. Some of the positive results you can expect to see at an early stage are low blood pressure, better sleep and extra energy. Also, do not watch the whole enterprise strictly as an attempt to lose weight, but as a move to a higher level to which you will accept small real changes in lifestyle.

The secret of "successful" loser weight loss

What makes these losers successful is that they adhere to diet that includes very little fat, high calorie control to be recorded. Namely, keeping serving sizes under control and consumption of foods that are rich in water, like vegetables and soups, can itself control calories much easier. And if you go one step further and slightly reduce the diversity of foods that are found during the day on the table, simplify your diet and do a little overeating possible.

One of the crucial information you should always keep in mind is that successful "losers" never deviate from the established regime of diet, whether it's a weekend or holiday celebration. In this way, establishing a routine. Even if there are occasional relaxation, this set still eating plan is the cornerstone.

The strategy appeared to be very successful based on the frequent meals every 3-4 hours, or 4-5 servings a day. In a second sense, hunger is in fact the Achilles heel of every person who has accepted the child. Frequent meals are helping to control blood sugar levels and appetite kept on a leash. What the experts often point out what is and is badly needed and drink plenty of water or nezaslađenih drinks, because an additional amount of fluid can also serve as a weapon to control the appetite.

When all that is to be transferred to everyday life, looks like this: the day starts with breakfast as this meal is essential to start your "engine" and what will allow you to day in the gym to be more productive. This does not mean that breakfast should be plentiful, but sufficient bowl of high fiber foods, žitarcima in its natural form or dairy products without fat.

What follows then are the physical activities for 1 hour each day. The desirable limit is 11,000 to 12,000 steps, or 8-9 miles a day.

With this daily plan is very helpful and add a note of optimism - not umanjujte own enthusiasm negative thoughts, but convince themselves that little has been mentioned that you can not fill. Also, take your time with weight loss at all costs, but also establish a rhythm that will not slump, and will give results in the long run.

It is best to gradually get to reduce weight and then maintain, since everything is fast, it was brief.